Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Over the past couple of weeks, I have really tried to find my game. Some things you don't forget- like how the pieces move, simple tactics, endgame ideas... But there are other things you simply don't remember. Chess is constantly evolving, especially with opening theory, and it is a constant struggle to make sure you are up to date. So far, I haven't lost any games because of any critical opening mistakes, but a chess player must always be alert. One move, one mistake, can cost you the game. That's what's different about chess than other games or sports.
Anyways, over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to play in a number of tournaments and try to get my rating up. When I started my comeback (April 10), my rating was 2282. After six tournaments, my rating is now 2330. In later posts I will explain the rating system, but as of now and I am extremely pleased with my progress! Here is a picture of me last week at the Marshall Chess Club, the oldest and most famous chess club in New York (and perhaps the world!) This past weekend, I placed outright second with 4/5 (3 wins 2 draws). Stay posted folks!

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